Free Home Visits & Advice

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Free Surveys & Quick Quotations Service

To ensure that our floor sanding service is tailored to our customers needs and preferences, all of our quotations for floorworks are subject to a free site survey. We take pride in wood floor restoration and to maintain our excellent level of service we always strive to ensure that our free quotes reflect our customers expectations and provide detailed and acurate iformation about our proposed services.

During our site visits we not only collect all the relevant information about your wooden flooring, such as measurements, the type of timber, the type and condition of flooring, extend of damage etc, but we also discuss your personal preferences with you. Thease often include your desired type of finish, expected outcomes, preferred working arrangements and any other specific requests you may have.

All of these are then reflected and described in our free quotes that we send to you within 48 hours following the site survey. Our quotes are also obligation free and we are always happy to discuss any of the details included in our quotations to make sure that our customers are comfortable and happy with our rpoposed approach to restoration of their wooden flooring.

Our free quotes also clearly specify the floor restoration techniques that we will utilise as well as the wood floor repairs, gap filling and floor sealing products that will be applied. By doing this we ensure that our customers have clear expectations of the final results and we are proud to say that we regularly exceed them.